His mum wrote to say: "We just wanted to thank you a few years later once again and show that the help your charity gave us has enabled our son to feel part of a huge event that he would never have experienced otherwise. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
The Elifar Foundation funded a wheelchair buggy for Nathan. It has enabled the family to do many things with Nathan that they wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise. Most significantly, early in 2014 Nathan’s father, Ricky ran the Brighton Marathon whilst pushing Nathan in the buggy.
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Lighweight wheelchair allows rest for Isabelle
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Elifar contributed £2,000 towards the purchase of a light-weight, easily maneuverable wheelchair.
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Specialist lightweight all-terrain buggy
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Elifar fully funded the purchase of this all-terrain buggy for Iris.
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Specialised trike for Matei
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The trike has given Matei some independence of movement which is highly beneficial to his physical and emotional well-being.
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