
Car lift for Charlotte

Elifar contributed £3,000 enabling Charlotte to travel in the car safely and happily.

Charlotte is 9 years old and has Polymicrogyria with Lennox Gastraut Syndrome and associated conditions including hypertonia, microcephaly and epilepsy.  Charlotte is non-verbal and is unable to alert her carers to her needs.  She experiences up to 60 drop seizures a day.  This lift moves the car seat out of the vehicle and lowers it to the ground making transfers to and from the wheelchair much more manageable.  The lift cost £6,600 and Elifar contributed £3,000 enabling Charlotte to travel in the car safely and happily.  Her grandparents are particularly pleased as they are now able to take her to the park to feed nuts to the squirrels which she loves

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Lighweight wheelchair allows rest for Isabelle

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Elifar contributed £2,000 towards the purchase of a light-weight, easily maneuverable wheelchair.

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Specialist lightweight all-terrain buggy

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Elifar fully funded the purchase of this all-terrain buggy for Iris.

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Specialised trike for Matei

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The trike has given Matei some independence of movement which is highly beneficial to his physical and emotional well-being.

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